Friday, December 5, 2014

Stories -Beauty & the Beast Enchanted Christmas

I was going through some of what I consider to be holiday classics, and I thought I'd post this one. As a child of the 90s, this straight-to-VHS Disney sequel was rather a favorite of mine, and I figured it would be appropriate, given the upcoming weeks. The movie is basically about the Christmas we didn't see during that year Belle spent in the Beast's castle. It has Paige O'Hara reprising her role as Belle, along with a few other noteworthy celeb voices like Tim Curry and Bernadette Peters. There is in fact a really beautiful duet with Belle and Bernadette Peters' character, Angelique (which I am working on posting soon for duets!). In this number though, Belle sings about how she will give the Beast stories as a Christmas gift and what follows is one of my favorite animated sequences ever. (Very "Reading Rainbow" for those who know what I'm talking about). Check out the clip below and sing along!
Here are the lyrics:

When I get to know him 
We'll find more things to say 
One day I will reach him 
There has to be a way

Everyone needs someone 
He must need someone, too 
When I get to know him better 
Here's what I will do

I'll read him stories 
From picture books all 
Filled with wonder 
Magic worlds where 
The impossible 
Becomes the everyday

We'll find a mountaintop 
And some moonbeams 
To sit under 
I'll lead because I know the way

So much to discover 
I do it all the time 
I could live inside bright pages 
Where the words all rhyme

We will slay the dragons 
That still follow him around 
And he'll smile, yes he'll smile 
As his dreams leave the ground

Stories and stories 
'Bout mermaids, kings 
And sunken treasure 
Magic worlds where the impossible 
Becomes the everyday

I know a tiny place 
Just a dot, too small to measure 
I'll take him there 
I know the way

Stories 'bout heroes 
Who overcame their deepest sorrow 
They'll put hope into his heart again 
He'll cherish every day

He'll find a better world 
And the strength to face tomorrow 
I'm sure that when he knows the way 
He'll want to stay

Here's that scene in the movie!

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